Helpful Ways to Sleep

A reported 35-50% of adults worldwide have trouble sleeping. Whether it’s falling or staying asleep, insufficient rest and sleep disturbances can greatly impact how you function throughout the day. Sleep deprivation has been linked to memory issues, trouble thinking, mood changes, lessened immune function, hypertension and weight gain.

Read More About The Effects of Sleep Deprivation Here

The good news is that there are some easy things you can do to combat sleep deprivation and feel more rested when you wake up. Below are a few things that have been proven to work:

Tips For Better Sleep:

1.   Turn Off Technology an Hour Before Bed:   The blue light from the screen delays production of melatonin, a hormone necessary for sleep. 

2.   Warm Milk:   The amino acid tryptophan in the milk promotes melatonin production.

3.   Take a Hot Shower:   This helps to relax tense muscles.

4.   Meditation or Yoga:   Triggers relaxation response.

5.   Reading:   Just make sure its an actual book and not a screen!

6.   Sound Machine:  This produces a calming white noise and prevents random noises in the night from waking you.

7.   Perfect Temperature:   A cool room is more conducive to better sleep, around 65 degrees.

8.   Music:   Produces a white noise (like the sound machine) and a constant rhythm to help relax you.

9.   Next Day List:   Write down things to allow your brain to let them go and so you can deal with them in the morning.

10.   Perfect Lighting:   A dark room reduces the stimulation to the brain that blocks release of melatonin.

Guided Meditations For Better Rest:

More Resources For You:

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